
Contribution guideline

Types of contributions


  1. search existing tickets (labeled #enhancement) for similar ideas and comment there https://github.com/hbt/mouseless/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aenhancement

  2. log a ticket in https://github.com/hbt/mouseless/issues

  3. propose a command explaining how it would enhance your workflow

  4. propose ways of building it or refer to existing implementation if already done in other software

  5. fork it and build it for yourself

  6. send pull request Pull request guideline

Bug reports

  1. search existing tickets (labeled as #bug) for similar bugs and comment there or upvote it https://github.com/hbt/mouseless/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Abug

  2. log a ticket in https://github.com/hbt/mouseless/issues

  3. write steps to reproduce the bug with URLs if needed

  4. write the result you expected and what happened instead

  5. share your configuration if you believe it to be the source

  6. propose a way of fixing the issue

  7. send pull request Pull request guideline :uri-asciidoctor: http://asciidoctor.org :icons: font :source-highlighter: pygments :nofooter: Home


it is fine to log tickets (labeled #idea) to brainstorm ideas and suggest workflows. Take the time to clear it your head first. https://github.com/hbt/mouseless/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aidea

Unlike enhancement requests, idea requests are vague and often lack a design proposal on how to implement it.

Code review

  1. watch the repository https://github.com/hbt/mouseless

  2. comment on pull request and what needs to be done to meet guideline Pull request guideline

  3. comment on implementation, potential bugs, performance issues, code quality etc.

Community support

This is the most time consuming of all and any help is appreciated.

  1. watch the repository https://github.com/hbt/mouseless

  2. answer tickets label as #question to the best of your ability https://github.com/hbt/mouseless/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aquestion

  3. don’t let shitty people get to you ;-) They are a tiny minority but your brain will exaggerate their effect


Improving documentation by:

Pull request guideline

  1. create branch and commit work referring to ticket

  2. commits should refer to ticket number created in https://github.com/hbt/mouseless/issues

  3. minimal changes in diffs

  4. update docs/commands.md docs/settings.md if relevant

  5. wait at least a week for a maintainer to review and merge your changes

Do not bother proposing a mapping. It will be ignored. Add the new function as an isolated module and it will be merged.